Project T.E.A.C.H. has just delivered Col.J.P.Tripathi nursing college

VISION :- To spread Medical Technical Education to children of this part of the country . Illetracy and poverty are main causes in preventing parents to send their children to more educationallly developed centers , where not only fee structures is beyond their reach and more so unaffordability to stay in hostels. More than 300 registered nursing homes and clinics are spread in commissionery of Gorakhpur. The demand for trained staff for operation theater is growing by leaps and bounds. In absence of establishment will have to close down. Hence the vision to start a paramedical institutr came.

MISSION :- Good education by learned doctors, holding post graduate degree will help student to grasp finest details of human anatomy and physiology. Study material will not only be dummy torso's, , their will be real human's to learn upon under guidance of top class faciulties.

Experience in OT will give the student first hand experience of dealing with operation technicalities. Students will be equiped books and journals. Neatly dressed students with aprons will utshine all student seen.

'' To spread education and its values is the main mission of COL. J.P.Tripathi Nursing College.''

Our Contacts

N.H. 28, Rudrapur, Kushmi,Gorakhpur 273002

9919101108, 829928125, 7355486902

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Admission opened for OT Technician coure for session 2023-2024. For more detail contact us at 9919101108 or you 8299281225.